The DNA Extraction Kit provides a simple, nontoxic method for efficientlyisolating high-molecular-weight DNA from tissue, whole blood and culturedcells. Depending on the starting material, the entire extraction takes onlytwo to three hours to complete and does not require phenol or chloroform.DNA isolated with the DNA Extraction Kit is free from contaminants andmay be used directly for restriction digests, cloning, Southern blotting, PCRamplification, and other DNA analysis techniques.
The DNA Extraction Kit is a modification of a procedure based onseparating contaminating protein from DNA by salt precipitation. Theprocedure involves digestion of cellular proteins, subsequent removal of theproteins by “salting out” using standard sodium chloride, precipitation of theDNA with ethanol and resuspension in the buffer of choice. The number ofsamples that may be processed simultaneously using this technique islimited only by the centrifuge space available.
Source | Quantity | Yield | Size (kb) | Time |
Whole blood | 5 ml | >30 μg | 100-500 | 2 hours |
Whole tissue | 1 gm | >250 μg | 50-100 | 2 hours, 45 minutes |
Tissue cultured cells | 108 cells | >600 μg | 50-100 | 2 hours, 15 minutes |
貨號 | 產品 | 數量 | |
200600 | DNA Extraction Kit DNA 萃取試劑組 (組) 廠牌:Agilent | 30-35 preps |