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SureSelect Human All Exon V7

SureSelect 人類全外顯子抓取第七代

SureSelect Human All Exon V7 為 SureSelect 全外顯子捕獲系統,以最低定序數據量,可完整涵蓋全外顯子、與致病基因相關之編碼區域的高效捕獲套組。

更完整的 whole exome 覆蓋度

針對四個關鍵數據庫的編碼區域所設計之探針,相較於它牌,SureSelect Human All Exon V7 僅以 5.3Gb 的數據量,於四種數據庫中提供最完整的外顯子區域覆蓋度。

SureSelect Human All Exon V7 is a comprehensive exome that targets coding regions from 4 key databases. With just 5.3 Gb of sequencing, it provides excellent coverage of these databases. Exome sequencing was performed on 8 hapmap samples. Each vendor's protocol was followed for target enrichment. Data shown is average of 8 samples.


以低 Duplicate Rate ( 2.1% )、高 on target 比率 ( 80% ),最有效捕獲全外顯子區域,並取得極佳的定序均勻度,使數據更為可靠;以 5.3Gb 定序量,可獲高於 90% 的 20x 覆蓋率,有效為您省下定序成本,創造最大的研究價值。

SureSelect Human All Exon V7 provides uniform coverage across targeted regions in combination with low duplicate rates and high percent on-target.


相較它牌,SureSelect V7 包含 ClinVar / ACMG 疾病基因資料中最豐富的致病變異點,並且提供最多致病編碼區域的整體覆蓋,致使臨床研究更具價值。

SureSelect Human All Exon V7 provides a highly comprehensive variant detection platform. Targeting >99% of coding exons from 4 key databases, SureSelect V7 provides the most comprehensive coverage of ClinVar. Incomplete coverage of disease-associated genes by other exomes results in multiple pathogenic variants to be missed by these exomes.

更優秀的 hard-to-capture exon 捕獲能力

與它牌相比,SureSelect V7 解決重複序列片段不容易被探針捕獲下來的困境,目標片段不遺漏,掌握全面性的重要資訊。

SureSelect Human All Exon V7 targets and provides excellent coverage of exons with repetitive elements, thus enabling robust variant calling in these regions. Only uniquely mapping reads were used for the analysis.


貨號 產品 數量
5191-4004 SureSelectXT Human All Exon V7 16 rxns
5191-4005 SureSelectXT Human All Exon V7 96 rxns

SureSelect Human All Exon V7

  • 根據四大資料庫 ( RefSeq / GENCODE v24 / CCDS / UCSC Known Genes ) 設計 48.2Mb 之探針。
  • 更少的定序成本,發揮最大的實驗價值。
    – 僅以 5.3Gb 數據量,可取得 90% 以上 20x 覆蓋率。
    – 優秀的定序均勻度、on target 比例 ( 80% )、極低的 duplicate rate ( 2.1% ),增進數據可信度。
    – 提升難以捕獲的外顯子區域的捕獲效能,把握任何重要資訊。
  • Magnis 自動化製備系統相容。

