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SureSelectXT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit

第二代高靈敏度 NGS 樣品製備方案

SureSelectXT HS2 為 SureSelect High Sensitivity 製備系統的升級版,承襲前代 10ng dsDNA 微用量、FFPE DNA 最適化特性,另外加入雙精度 — Duplex MBC 再次拉升靈敏度,並搭配豐富的 UDI ( Unique Dual Index ) 選擇,一次可進行多達 384-plex 的混樣定序,全面提升產品效能。


僅需 10ng dsDNA 起始量,即可製備高豐富度 library。與它牌相較,SureSelectXT HS2 對於 FFPE 或 Fresh Frozen 樣品均能產生優越的製備效能,比它牌增加 15-40% 轉換率。

Improved conversion efficiency for both fresh frozen and FFPE samples.Relative conversion efficiency (percentage of input DNA being converted into a fully adaptor ligated library) was calculated using XT HS2 as reference. 10 ng of DNA from lung tumor fresh frozen and normal kidney FFPE (ddCq=1.8, DIN=3.2) samples served as the input for library preparation using the SureSelectXT HS2 DNA reagent kit and two competing kits (Kit 1 and Kit 2).

Duplex Molecular Barcodes ( MBC )

MBC 為 library 製備時,加於每一條原始 DNA 片段的身份條碼序列,同一原始 DNA 片段產生的 PCR 產物會帶有相同的 MBC 條碼序列。藉由 MBC 分析,能有效去除 PCR 放大偏差或定序錯誤。

SureSelectXT HS2 雙端 MBC 設計能賦予雙精度效能,更準確偵測至 <1% VAF 的微量突變、與最小化偽陽性數據。

Duplex MBC significantly improves detection accuracy of low VAF.20 ng of HapMap sample mixture (98% NA12878 and 2% NA24385) was used as input. Library construction and target enrichment were performed using the SureSelectXT HS2 DNA reagent kit and Agilent SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Lung assay. Libraries were sequenced (2 x 100 bp) on the Illumina HiSeq 4000 system. Reads were mapped to hg19, normalized to 10,000X raw sequencing depth. Duplex MBC uses MBC sequences from both strands to generate consensus variant calls, while Single MBC creates consensus reads without taking the strand information into account. Variants with allele frequencies equal or lower than 4% were selected for this analysis.

Unique Dual Sample Indexes ( UDI )

Index hopping 為 Illumina 高通量定序系統的樣品標籤誤配現象,SureSelectXT HS2 在 library 兩端都接上 index,達成雙鑑別獨特配對 ( UDI ),有效消弭 index hopping 問題。同時 Agilent 提供多樣的 UDI 組合,讓您一次最多可以混合 384 個樣品進行定序,大幅提升定序混樣的彈性與通量。


貨號 產品 數量
G9981A DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 1-16) 16 rxn
G9982A DNA Starter Kit (Index Pairs 1-16) 16 rxn
G9983A DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 1-96) 96 rxn
G9983B DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 97-192) 96 rxn
G9983C DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 193-288) 96 rxn
G9983D DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 289-384) 96 rxn
G9984A DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 1-96) with AMPure® XP/Streptavidin Beads 96 rxn
G9984B DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 97-192) with AMPure® XP/Streptavidin Beads 96 rxn
G9984C DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 193-288) with AMPure® XP/Streptavidin Beads 96 rxn
G9984D DNA Reagent Kit (Index Pairs 289-384) with AMPure® XP/Streptavidin Beads 96 rxn
G9985A DNA Library Preparation Kit (Index Pairs 1-96) 96 rxn
G9985B DNA Library Preparation Kit (Index Pairs 97-192) 96 rxn
G9985C DNA Library Preparation Kit (Index Pairs 193-288) 96 rxn
G9985D DNA Library Preparation Kit (Index Pairs 289-384) 96 rxn
G9987A DNA Target Enrichment Kit 12 Hybridizations

SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit

  • 只需 10ng dsDNA 即可進行製備。
  • 適用於完整 DNA、低品質或高品質的 FFPE DNA。
  • 384 組雙樣品標籤 ( Dual sample index ) 最大化一次定序的樣品種類、最小化樣品標籤錯誤配對。
  • 雙分子標記 ( Duplex molecular barcode ) 設計,給您更真實的數據。


SureSelect XT HS2 DNA Reagent Kit 使用手冊