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EpiNext DNA Purification HT System
For magnetic bead separation of DNA in DNA library prep, size selection, and cleanup applications

EpiNext DNA 磁盤式高效率純化系統

Obtaining high recovery of purified DNA or selected DNA fragments is critical for downstream applications that use DNA samples including PCR, sequencing, cloning, microarray, and DNA fragment analysis, regardless of the platform used.

The EpiNext™ DNA Purification HT System (also known as "EpiNext™ beads" or "MQ beads") utilizes magnetic bead technology for high throughput DNA or PCR amplicon purification and DNA size selection. The system can also be used for concentrating DNA and is suitable for selectively and consistently capturing DNA fragments or PCR amplicons that are 100 bps or larger in size.


The system contains an optimized MQ binding bead solution developed by Epigentek which allows DNA or PCR amplicons to bind tightly to the beads. Excess primers, adaptors, nucleotides, salts, enzymes, and PCR inhibiting substances can be removed by simply washing the beads. Optimization of MQ bead ratio to input DNA allows DNA size selection by the removal of larger or smaller DNA fragments and recovery of desired target size DNA fragments.

Workflow of the EpiNext™ DNA Purification HT System.

Gel picture after purification of 800 ng of DNA marker (Hyperladder 50 bp ladder, Bioline) using the EpiNext™ DNA Purification HT System with varying ratios of beads from 0.9X to 2.1X. AMPure XP beads were used as the control. M: Marker size of Agilent DNA chip kit.

Percentage of recovery of input DNA fragments by "AMPure XP" beads vs “EpiNext” beads: 780 ng of DNA marker (Hyperladder 50 bp ladder, Bioline) were purified using the EpiNext™ DNA Purification HT System at 1.8X. Agencourt AMPure XP beads (1.8X) were used as the control. Recovery yield of 100 bp or higher DNA fragments was quantified with an Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100.


貨號 產品 數量
P-1063-04 EpiNext DNA Purification HT System 高通量DNA純化試劑套組 (組) 廠牌:Epigentek
P-1063-08 EpiNext DNA Purification HT System 高通量DNA純化試劑套組 (組) 廠牌:Epigentek
P-1063-64 EpiNext DNA Purification HT System 高通量DNA純化試劑套組 (組) 廠牌:Epigentek
P-1063-X4 EpiNext DNA Purification HT System 高通量DNA純化試劑套組 (組) 廠牌:Epigentek
Q10002-1 EpiMag HT (96-Well) Magnetic Separator

EpiNext DNA Purification HT System

  • Optimized buffer chemistries
  • Fast and straightforward
  • Efficient clean-up
  • High recovery of DNA : Higher than 98% recovery of input DNA.
  • Manual and automation friendly